I Killed My Cancer with Herbs by Dr. Norman Sudduth
Information and support using herbs and alternative protocols
In the world today, the fear of cancer is rampant. In 2002, I watched my middle daughter at age 39 die of breast cancer. She had the best of what modern Oncology had to offer. She had a mutilating mastectomy, and 2 rounds of chemotherapy. Since then I’ve realized that “Pharmaceutical Oncology “ is only successful in 2-6% of cases. What we have is a system of failure 97% of the time. If an alien from outer space came and saw this, he would definitely say you must be using the wrong stuff. Additionally there is no restriction of diet and no significant nutritional support by oncologists.
Four years later, I came face to face with high grade(Gleason 8), high stage (T3b) prostate cancer. Like most people, I was fearful. God intervened. My brother called and asked if I would talk with a friend of his that had failed second round chemotherapy for throat cancer. This friend helped me more than I helped him. He was depressed and had lost down to 120 pounds. His wife’s friend recommended Solomon Wickey, an Indiana farmer and herbalist.
They put him in the pickup truck and saw Mr. Wickey at 6 am on a Monday morning. When asked what was wrong, His wife said “He has terminal cancer”, to which Mr. Wickey stated “Terminal is for airplanes.” He gave them a sheet of paper and sent them on their way.
They returned home and bought 4 herbs, a juicer and fresh almonds. His diet was restricted. No meat or meat related products such as eggs and cheese. No sugar or starch. Interestingly, cottage cheese(protein) is acceptable. Attached below is a copy of Mr. Wickeys sheet, modified by me for easier reading. It is what I did in 2006. I’m still alive 8 years later, with a PSA of zero and in good health at age 77.
see my blog for the protocol
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